My LHS had the Tamiya kit and I had a gift card to the shop that covered it so guess what happened next?

My main references have been walk around photos, marked up photos from Stephen Tegner (who is building a 1/10 scale version from scratch) and the impeccable Somua S35 build from Tom Morgan who has graciously sent me progress photos of his build.
The Tamiya kit could be banged together in about 5-6 hours. The details is very nice and fit is good. The only minor issue I have with the kit are the ejector pin marks on the inside face of the tracks - which had to be carefully scrapped out, and the tiny gate mark on the front of the track which had to be filled and sanded with CA.
The detail on the DEF parts is very nice. The only downside is the PE instructions are the finished/installed photograph kind and the folds on the exhaust bracket are complex.
Anyway, this is where it is after a couple of weeks off and on at the bench.